Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Trucks

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Trucks

If you ask the manufacturers, they will agree that the electric truck revolution has already begun. Lots of big brands, including Ford, are promoting these vehicles to the hilt. They are telling the market that auto companies are taking electric trucks seriously and we all should be too. This is another reason to consider getting cheap truck insurance with SoCal Truck Insurance.

Indeed, gone are the days that using electric trucks as main vehicles for cargo distribution seem just like a pipe dream. With the advent of companies like SoCal Truck Insurance, it’s just a matter of time that insurance companies will offer competitively priced truck insurance for electric vehicles.

According to research, the advantages of electric trucks versus diesel will depend mainly on how the vehicles will be used. These include factors such as average speeds, frequency of stops, and the power source for charging batteries.

Pros and Cons of Electric Trucks

The benefits of using electric trucks are indeed plenty. Electric trucks are roughly 50% more efficient to operate than diesel trucks, making them at least 20% less expensive than diesel-fueled ones.

Electricity is a renewable source while gasoline, although a natural resource, is not. Since electricity is definitely cheaper than gas, it makes the use of electric vehicles more economical. You can run electric trucks in around one-third of the cost of running gas-powered vehicles. 

Maintenance is also a big difference. Since electric trucks don’t need oil, there’s no need for oil changes as well as other repairs and maintenance normally associated with gas-powered vehicles. 

Results also show that at least when it comes to city driving with frequent stops, the electric trucks perform better than their diesel counterparts.

Benefits of Electric Trucks  

Now there’s almost always bad that comes with the good, and this is true in the case of electric trucks. It’s in driving through suburban routes that electric trucks lose their edge over diesel ones. Since rural areas involve fewer stops and higher average speed, it presents a problem to a battery-dependent electric vehicle.

Disadvantages of Electric Trucks

Here you will encounter common problems such as limited daily range and higher operating costs under certain conditions. Highway driving takes a heavy toll on the electric truck’s battery, which can lead to frequent battery replacement.

It’s only right to get to know the cons of driving these electric-powered vehicles, which will help you decide whether it’s the better option for you instead of one that runs on diesel.

  • Limited Range

This is definitely one of the biggest challenges faced by those driving electric vehicles. Because they are entirely dependent on electric power, you can’t keep on driving anymore once the juice runs out.

You have to recharge the battery before you can drive off again. This can be a big hassle, especially for pickup trucks. Hauling heavy trailers and loads tend to drain the battery fast so there’s definitely a need to stop and charge.

If you’re driving on a tight schedule, this surely presents a significant problem, especially if you’re driving along rural areas where long-distance traveling is a norm.

Imagine having to stop every few hundred miles for recharging—it makes towing a trailer across the country much longer than usual.

  • Charging Times

Speaking of charging, the rule here is simple. The longer the range, the larger the battery of the truck—but the larger the battery, the longer it will take to charge.

Most electric trucks need more than an hour to recharge fully using the fastest systems. Charging at home takes even longer—some electric vehicles have to be charged overnight to restore 100% power to a fully drained battery.

As mentioned above, this is indeed a problem for work vehicles. They earn when the wheels are turning and if they have to stop for recharging, they stop earning too.

The availability of charging ports needs to be considered as well, which is a primary concern among truck and lorry operators who drive from state to state.

There’s definitely a need for more charging points. If you think about the fact that it would take hours to recharge your truck while a diesel truck takes minutes to fill up, you may seriously think about your choice of vehicle.

  • Temperature Effects

Trucks brave through the toughest weather conditions, be it extremely hot or cold.

The problem is that extreme temperature affects the ability of the batteries to recharge and discharge normally.

  • Weight

Those battery packs do add significant weight to the vehicle. These batteries are still heavy, even those equipped with the latest technology.

You can only imagine the size of the batteries you will need to drive a pickup truck. This is why drivers have to strike the right balance between range and capability since any weight that goes into the battery packs takes away from the vehicle’s payload capacity.

  • Insurance Costs

You may find it difficult to get affordable semi truck insurance. There are definitely fewer options for insuring electric trucks compared to diesel-powered ones.

Not all insurance companies are willing to take their chances on electric vehicles. If you do find a company offering such a service, best believe that the cost is definitely higher than the figure levied on traditional vehicles.

  • Limited Truck Choices

Although there are more options to choose from when it comes to electric trucks, you’ll still get more variety if you opt for diesel-powered ones.

You can only hope that more manufacturers would produce more electric trucks and vans that can meet the demands of your cargo business.

In order to reap the benefits and understand the pros and cons of electric semi trucks, the operator and the driver will have to work on vehicle efficiency and take several factors in mind such as:

  • Travel demand
  • Diesel fuel price
  • Drive cycle
  • Battery replacement and price
  • Electric generation and transmission efficiency
  • Recharging infrastructure

Advantages of electric trucks

If you’re looking for the cheapest truck insurance, look no further. It can be hard to find a good insurance package for your electric truck, but if there’s one who can give it to you, it’s SoCal Truck Insurance.

We are dedicated to providing the most affordable and most customized policies in the market—proudly offering packages that house all of your trucking coverage needs under one roof. 

You can rest assured with the knowledge that your insurance is being handled by a provider with more than 25 years of experience, backed by a team skilled in consulting with fleet managers, owner-operators, and other key individuals to ensure that your business is protected.

To get your free quote, contact us at SoCal Truck Insurance today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the main advantages of electric trucks compared to conventional trucks?
Electric trucks offer several benefits, including lower operating costs due to reduced fuel and maintenance expenses, zero tailpipe emissions which improve air quality, reduced noise pollution, and a smoother driving experience due to instant torque and fewer moving parts.

What are the main disadvantages of electric trucks compared to conventional trucks?
The primary disadvantages of electric trucks include higher upfront costs, limited driving range, longer refueling times, and the current lack of charging infrastructure, especially for long-haul routes. Additionally, the sourcing and disposal of batteries can have environmental impacts.

How do electric trucks contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions?
Electric trucks produce zero tailpipe emissions, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. They can further contribute to a greener transportation sector if the electricity used to charge their batteries is generated from renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, or hydroelectric power.

What are the challenges in adopting electric trucks for long-haul transportation?
The main challenges for long-haul electric truck adoption include the limited driving range, longer charging times, and the need for a widespread charging infrastructure network. Additionally, electric trucks are typically heavier due to the weight of their batteries, which can reduce payload capacity.

How is battery technology evolving to address the limitations of electric trucks?
Battery technology is constantly evolving to increase energy density, reduce charging times, and lower production costs. Researchers are also exploring alternative battery chemistries and designs, such as solid-state batteries, to improve the performance and longevity of electric truck batteries, which could help address some of the current limitations.